Tuesday, January 23, 2007

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I have been lucky enough to have known Marcel for about 10yrs. He always had time to talk, have a laugh or lend a hand.A natural story teller.His passion for life was as deep as his interests were broad. A gentleman, He will be missed.
- Peg Leg Craig

I met Marcel back in the early eighties on the way to Baja, he was driving the Yoshimura Truck, our paths have crossed many times since then and I've always been struck by Marcel's great humanity, kindness and willingness to help out. Our world and our industry is diminished with his absence. Safe journey friend.
- M Vaughan

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I first met Marcel more than ten years ago when we were both working on industry expansion projects through the Motorcycle Industry Council. I was immediately drawn to Marcel by his warmth and wonderful personality. We moved from business colleagues to genuine friends quickly and his friendship is one I'll cherish forever. Marcel was a visionary and very important influencer in our industry who moved ideas foward not by being pushy, but rather by sharing his enthusiasm with others and by sound business sense and gentle persuasion.

I've never had the opportunity to meet Christie or Mackie, but I know how dearly he loved and cherished them through our many conversations. Whenever he spoke of Christie and Mackie,his face would light up and you could hear the love in his voice. Marcel had a gentleness of spirit and a sweetness of soul that enriched the lives of the people he touched.

Ride on my friend and Godspeed.

Gary Christopher